Countdown to the Fiery Return: Inside NASA’s Osiris-Rex Spacecraft

Attention space enthusiasts! Get ready to witness history in the making as NASA’s Osiris-Rex spacecraft gears up for its fiery return to Earth. After a groundbreaking mission spanning over two years, this celestial explorer is finally homeward-bound with an invaluable treasure trove of secrets from the asteroid Bennu. Join us on an exhilarating countdown as we delve into the captivating journey of Osiris-Rex, exploring the ins and outs of this extraordinary spacecraft that will unlock mysteries about our solar system’s origin like never before. So fasten your seatbelts and prepare for an awe-inspiring adventure through space – it’s time to unveil the marvelous world inside NASA’s Osiris-Rex!


Introduction to the Osiris-Rex Mission:

The Osiris-Rex (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer) mission is a groundbreaking project by NASA that aims to study and collect samples from an asteroid named Bennu. The spacecraft was launched on September 8th, 2016 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida and has been on its journey for almost five years now.

The primary goal of this mission is to gather information about the origins of our solar system by studying the composition and characteristics of Bennu, which is believed to be a remnant of the early days of our solar system. This will provide crucial insights into how planets, including Earth, formed and evolved over time.

But why was Bennu chosen for this mission? One of the main reasons is that it is an accessible asteroid with a high potential for containing organic materials. Its size also makes it easier for the spacecraft to orbit and collect samples without much difficulty. Moreover, studying asteroids like Bennu can also help us better understand their impact on Earth and how we can potentially divert any future threats.

The Osiris-Rex spacecraft itself is a highly sophisticated machine equipped with several instruments designed specifically for this mission. These include cameras, spectrometers, laser altimeters, and a robotic arm called TAGSAM (Touch-and-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism).

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What is Bennu and why did NASA choose it?

Bennu is a small, rocky asteroid that orbits the Sun within the inner solar system. It was discovered in 1999 by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) survey and was given its name after an ancient Egyptian deity associated with rebirth and creation. This small asteroid measures around 500 meters in diameter, making it roughly the size of five football fields.

So, why did NASA choose Bennu as the target for its Osiris-Rex spacecraft mission? There are several reasons why this particular asteroid was selected among countless others in our solar system.

Firstly, Bennu is classified as a near-Earth asteroid, meaning that its orbit brings it relatively close to our planet. In fact, it passes by Earth every six years and has a chance of colliding with us sometime in the late 22nd century. Studying Bennu up close will not only provide valuable information about asteroids but also help scientists develop techniques for deflecting potentially hazardous ones.

Secondly, Bennu belongs to a group of asteroids called B-type or primitive carbonaceous chondrites. These types of asteroids are rich in organic compounds and water-bearing minerals which could provide insight into the early formation of our solar system and possibly even hold clues about the origin of life on Earth.


“Bennu is what we call a carbonaceous asteroid,” explained Christopher Sneed, the deputy curator on the Osiris-Rex mission.

“We think that these types of bodies are the building blocks for the planets, and they go back to the beginning of the Solar System.

“We can find inclusions and materials in there that created the planets, the elements that made our planet, and also perhaps the compounds that started life on Earth.”

After dropping off the capsule, the Nasa probe will be commanded to fly onto another asteroid called Apophis. The rendezvous is expected in 2029.



The Osiris-Rex mission’s successful return to Earth marks a historic moment in space exploration. Holding within its capsule a precious collection of samples from Bennu, this spacecraft has unlocked a window into the origins of our solar system, offering invaluable clues about Earth’s formation and the prospect of life beyond our planet.

Through years of meticulous research and daring exploration, Osiris-Rex has unveiled the mysteries hidden within Bennu, a representative of the building blocks that formed our solar system billions of years ago. Studying these ancient materials will provide scientists with unprecedented insights into the early universe and potentially even shed light on the origin of life itself.

As the thrilling journey of Osiris-Rex concludes with its fiery descent onto Earth, a new chapter unfolds. The analysis of Bennu’s samples will pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries, revolutionizing our understanding of the cosmos and shaping future endeavors in space exploration.

With its sights now set on Apophis, another asteroid holding secrets of our solar system’s evolution, Osiris-Rex embarks on another exhilarating adventure. This mission, a testament to human ingenuity and unwavering curiosity, reaffirms our commitment to unraveling the universe’s mysteries and understanding our place within it.

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